The core moral base of Judaism is: Justice and individual liberty. This is based on the good of the community and it arises from and is based on the Torah.
The core moral base of Christianity is:the 10 commandments, based on the bible.
The core moral base of Islam is: acts of love and justice and legalistic preformances. This is based on the Koran.
the core moral teachings of Buddhism are: the five precepts (do not kill, do not steal, do not have illicit sex, no wrong speech, and do not drink or do drugs.) This is based on Thervada and Mahayana teachings.
the core moral teachings of Hinduism are: Spiritual development and renouncing the fruits of your labors. Comes from the vedas and Upanishads.
the concepts of morality in these religions have implications for a life after death, such as in Judaism where if you follow this moral code the punishment or the reward is recieved in life, not much focus in put on life after death, the emphasis is on the present moment. In Christianity there is heaven which is a paradise that rewards you for not sinning, whilst if you do sin you are condemned and go to hell. In islam the deeds done in life are beared on the spirit after death where the spirit must suffer for the wrong deeds and be rewarded for the good deeds. In Buddhism the ideal is to achieve nirvana, until then reincarnation will take place. Meanwhile in Hinduism the ideal is to stop reincarnating to become a part of the whole of existence.
All of this is based on faith.
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